
Equipping Christians in the entertainment Industry to give an answer for the hope that is in them.

About Lara Samms

Lara Samms lives in Los Angeles where she and her husband serve as foster parents, having been blessed with 4 fosters in the last year (yes, during Covid!).  She is currently a Production Coordinator in Digital Production at a major studio and comes from a background of virtual production and animation, independent producing, distribution, and film education. On occasion, she is a sometimes spoken word poet, podcaster, and photographer. A travel bug, she likes to reminisce on pre-pandemic times when she did humanitarian work in the Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kenya, Mexico, and Chile; lived in England, backpacked through the Mediterranean countries, and couch-surfed her way throughout the United States. Above all, she loves Jesus and His gospel. Ever-interested in how faith intersects culture, she is very passionate about the pursuit of apologetics studies and is working on her book Sex & the Gospel: A Conversation about Human Longing and How the Gospel is Always the Answer that addresses the difficulty of dating as a Christian in a post-Christian/post-truth culture. She is currently enrolled at Liberty University pursuing her Masters of Arts in Christian Apologetics.

Our Editors

Worldviewish content is edited by a team of writers and scholars, including Derek Samms, Alexa Riddle, and Daniel Samms. Each post is carefully vetted to ensure content is accurate and doctrinally sound.