Lara Samms lives in Los Angeles where she and her husband serve as foster parents, having been blessed with 4 fosters in the last year (yes, during Covid!). She is currently a Production Coordinator in Digital Production at a major studio and comes from a background of virtual production and animation, independent producing, distribution, and film education. On occasion, she is a sometimes spoken word poet, podcaster, and photographer. A travel bug, she likes to reminisce on pre-pandemic times when she did humanitarian work in the Dominican Republic, Thailand, Kenya, Mexico, and Chile; lived in England, backpacked through the Mediterranean countries, and couch-surfed her way throughout the United States. Above all, she loves Jesus and His gospel. Ever-interested in how faith intersects culture, she is very passionate about the pursuit of apologetics studies and is working on her book Sex & the Gospel: A Conversation about Human Longing and How the Gospel is Always the Answer that addresses the difficulty of dating as a Christian in a post-Christian/post-truth culture. She is currently enrolled at Liberty University pursuing her Masters of Arts in Christian Apologetics.