3 Reasons Why a Hollywood Filmmaker Went to CIA 2021
It's been a week since I got back from this year's CIA at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills. I'm still experiencing the afterglow of being around others who know the importance of apologetics, especially in a culture that we can only expect will grow increasingly hostile towards a historical Christianity. I live and work in Hollywood, and as a content creator, my day job depends on make-believe. But as a Christian, I want to make the world believe in something True. There is a great threat in the church in Hollywood and we are seeing it seep similarly throughout the modern church at large, and that is the growing trend of secularism. I should point out for those not in the entertainment industry, “Hollywood” refers more to a collective of entertainment media and platforms than an actual location (although it is that as well). As a person who is first and foremost a follower of Jesus but also happens to work in that industry, I wanted to go to the CrossExamined Instructors Academy to learn how to equip my peers in this important mission field.
“As a person who is first and foremost a follower of Jesus but also happens to work in that industry, I wanted to go to the CrossExamined Instructors Academy to learn how to equip my peers in this important mission field.”
Hollywood has a felt need for truth. From Jesus to Spielberg, storytellers have used narrative as a vehicle to transport truth. Hollywood is the largest exporter of culture in the world from film to television to music. And with social media as the best marketing device known to man, the world has little defense against anything Hollywood has to say. There are very well known ministries that cater to the entertainment crowd, such as the Hollywood Prayer Network that connects entertainment professionals through prayer and fellowship, and the Act One Program that trains film and television writers and producers, now a part of Mastermedia International, another organization that supports entertainment industry leaders. But now is the time more than ever for apologists to rise up amongst us and equip the church in Hollywood, the believers on the front lines of the culture war.
The instructors of CIA are all seasoned apologists who made themselves accessible. These instructors, comprised of well-known authors, podcasters, bloggers, and speakers, address these issues head-on and inspire me to do the same. Their accessibility and ease of having conversations over a meal or during a break made for a relaxed atmosphere to engage with some (dare I say) heroes of this space. As a filmmaker in Hollywood, the appeal of celebrity wears off the longer you work here, but I was definitely fan-girling hard to meet some of my favorite authors and podcasters. I have gone to church and been friends with some of the most recognizable names in film and TV, but my inner nerd had not lit up like this in a long time. I still felt a little embarrassed when I asked to take a photo with Alisa Childers like a groupie. But she, like all of the instructors there, was so gracious with the students. (Side note: there aren’t a lot of women in the apologetics world...yet.)
The reminder of why we do this and the warning of celebrity. As someone who lives and works in Hollywood, this was a big one. You will eventually run into some famous people if you work in the industry for any amount of time, and you get somewhat used to it. Don’t get me wrong, it is still very very cool and a perk I’m not likely to give up willingly. The world of apologetics has its own lineup of celebrities who have become “Christian famous” and, unfortunately, some become infamous, as in the case of apologist Ravi Zacharias. The instructors at CIA, well known themselves in this arena, made it a point not to brush aside the tragic fall of this once most celebrated author and speaker, but to talk about it as a cautionary tale for any of us who want to do this work. The warning was to not let the allure of fame and fortune be a reason. Be a disrupter of the culture. Speak truth, not to power, but to error. But do it so the sheep might hear the Shepherd's voice, not yours. No matter how big the platform may get, we were urged to always make it about Jesus, not ourselves.
“Speak truth, not to power, but to error. But do it so the sheep might hear the Shepherd's voice, not yours. No matter how big the platform may get, we were urged to always make it about Jesus, not ourselves.”
Christians need to address the deceit the devil dresses in pretty little lies. Where more so than in the heart of where culture is created and perpetuated, and where graven images are awarded for choosing your career over babies? Whatever industry you are in, you can make an impact for the Kingdom of God. I encourage everyone to look into applying to CIA 2022 and make the world believe!