Helpful Answers for
the Hope that Is In You
Faithfully Different: Why Worldview Matters
Whoopi Goldberg’s comments about the Holocaust rightly sparked backlash. A person’s worldview is critical as it can influence how they perceive truth. Bad worldview lead to terrible consequences. Worldview matters. I have had the privilege to read an early copy of Faithfully Different, the next book by apologist Natasha Crain, released this month. Her tagline sums up pretty well what I endeavor to do in my conversations with people, “Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture.” As an apologist of historic Christianity in very not-Christian Hollywood, there is a whole lot of confusion about what anything means – even to the Christian! We are swimming in the fishbowl of secularism, and Crain distills so much of the issue: Christians do not know what the Bible really says. We are fighting upstream against a tide of popular culture that in the end (and I do mean The End, as in Revelation), we know we are never going to change. The Lord is coming back for His bride, and we are only going to see the culture descend further from the Way, the Truth, and the Life until He does (unless you’re post-mil, but that’s a whole other topic we won’t address here!).
Why Apologetics?
Endeavoring to know our Lord so well in the design of this world and the orchestration of His salvation plan enriches our own beliefs in these biblical claims. We are not merely leaping blindly into the abyss, but know there is a real Bridge beneath, even if it is invisible to the human eye. As Christians, we hold Scripture as authoritative in that we believe it to be the very Word of God. It is sufficient for our salvation, and yet we affirm the values that evidence demonstrates in accordance with what we find in reality, confirming the Bible’s veracity. Therefore, we can more boldly proclaim the truths of scripture when we can reasonably show its correspondence to reality. Aristotle says, “a claim is true when there is a match with reality.”
Christmas and the Cross
Christmas is directly connected to Easter. However, none of this would matter if Jesus were not real, of course. So how do we convince an incorrigible world of the truth? There are a few quick things we can point to as we tell people about the hope that is within us this season. This post includes several key arguments for Christmas. Check it out.
The Mathematical Impossibility of Christmas
Pointing to fulfilled prophecies is a good place to start, one of many defenses of historic Christianity we will explore in upcoming blog posts. In Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell & Sean McDowell, they cite the work of Peter Stoner, a mathematician who took 8 prophecies fulfilled by Jesus in the Bible and the mathematical impossibility of all 8 being fulfilled by one person. Keep in mind there are over 300 prophecies fulfilled by Jesus concerning the Messiah, 8 of them being: